
The Calcium Myth and Chronic Illness

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Some day sciences of vitamin therapy and endocrinology will be established as secondary to the study of the biochemical reactions of the alkali metal salt, with calcium as the major factor. The problems of old age itself are matters of calcium metabolism, in all probability, and most of the symptoms of senility are due to direct changes in calcium metabolism because of hormones and vitamin deficiencies.” (Vitamin News, Dr. Royal Lee, 1934, p. 34).

This article concerns calcium and its relationship to other minerals and to disease.

Every mineral in the body affects and is affected by every other mineral. It is the balance of the mineral ratios and the amount of the minerals that determine our state of health. The calcium/phosphorous ratio tells a great deal about certain aspects of health (the amount of calcium divided by the amount of phosphorous). There are six major mineral ratios that can be used to determine health. Indiscriminately taking mineral supplements can greatly distort the delicate balance of mineral concentrations. A high calcium to magnesium ratio can indicate various problems in the body (low thyroid being one). Also, the chemical form that the mineral is in determines its degree of “assimilation” in the body.

The great majority of people are under the mistaken impression that as far as calcium is concerned, all that is needed is a calcium supplement or a glass of milk. This is inaccurate! Calcium metabolism is a very complicated process not fully understood even by physicians. It is important to understand because the majority of chronic illnesses are either directly or indirectly related to imbalance in calcium homeostasis. The body handles calcium like a moving company handles furniture. In other words, calcium is on of a transport system–loaded, transported, then unloaded and directed to its proper place. Calcium is loaded onto the blood stream (serum calcium) then carried to the tissue–both soft tissue and bone–and thereby unloaded. This process assumes that the calcium ingested is readily assimilated. The vast majority of calcium supplements in the inorganic form are very poorly absorbed. Either refined or unrefined calcium carbonate and dolomite are inorganic and not assimilated–especially if there is insufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Also, many inorganic forms of calcium contain high quantities of lead. The chelated forms are significantly lower in lead content and much more readily assimilated

Pasteurized milk is a poor choice for calcium.

The pasteurization process destroys an enzyme needed to digest and utilize calcium. (In animal studies pasteurized milk caused arthritis among other illnesses.) Green leafy vegetables, cheese, yogurt, nuts and seeds and some fruits are better sources. The body prefers calcium in organic chelated (to a protein) form found in foods and some whole food supplements. The body prefers calcium in either chelated lactate or gluconate form in supplements, but it can use the calcium bicarbonate from hard water if it has not been removed by softening or filters. Colloidal calcium is not a good source contrary to certain professionals.


It is so important to the body (up to 2% of total body weight) that it is regulated by the correct balance of hormones, vitamins, essential fats and other minerals. Caffeine, alcohol, phosphates (found in starch), high protein diets, sodium and sugar can increase calcium excretion and upset calcium balance. Again, calcium is on a transport system, and each phase of this system is controlled and counter-controlled by hormones and nutrients. Calcium cannot be loaded onto the blood stream properly without Vitamins A and D. Vitamin D loads, and Vitamin A prevents excess loading. Dr. Royal Lee believed that death from sunstroke was really an excess of serum calcium due to an excess of Vitamin D from over-exposure to sunlight. Once calcium arrives at the tissue site–either bone or soft tissue–it is unloaded by the presence of several factors–essential fatty acids being one of the most important. Without fatty acids, calcium fails to leave the blood for the tissues, thus, leading to both high serum (blood) calcium and tissue starvation. Thus, we can have adequate or even high blood calcium and still develop diseases like osteoporosis due to tissue starvation. When imbalances in calcium exist, all sorts of illnesses can manifest. Synthetic Vitamin D (viosterol and other forms) in milk and most supplements causes imbalances in the delicate mechanism of calcium metabolism. This imbalance can cause serum calcium levels to remain high while starving the tissues. This high calcium concentration enables calcium to “precipitate out” causing “hard placks” of calcium deposits to accumulate in the blood vessels and other tissues. Cataracts and kidney stones are two examples of this problem.
Listed below are other examples of calcium imbalances.

  • Arteriolosclerosis
  • Kidney Stones
  • Cataracts
  • Premature Aging
  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension
  • Gastric Upset
  • Restless Leg
  • Lupus
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Infections
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dental Problems
  • Photosensitiveness
  • Diabetes
  • Prostate Enlargement
  • Muscular And Skeletal Problems
  • Nervous Disorders
  • Emotional Disorders
  • Ph Imbalances Leading To Acidosis

Calcium imbalance can be corrected over time with whole food supplements.

The health of the body can be greatly restored by balancing the factors that regulate calcium metabolism.
Other minerals in the body need to also be balanced if calcium is to stay in homoeostasis. Particularly potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, and iron are of importance. My current research program is how to restore physical as well as mental health by balancing the mineral quantities and ratios.

Normal body function is a delicate balance between hormone influences, osmotic balance, and sufficient nutrients. When you supply complete adequate nutrition, the forces of nature and your own life energy will accomplish the “healing” that needs to be done. (We are talking here about whole food nutrients as explained in other articles–at website Particularly beneficial is catalyn, a whole food balanced multivitamin supplying many of the factors needed to metabolize calcium. Also, essential fatty acids must be supplied to direct the calcium to the tissue and this dissolves the deposits.

“It is really surprising how far-reaching are the results of a few ‘catalyn’ and a few doses of phosfood in cases where there are indications of calcium deposits … when pathology is found we need quick action, calling for concentrated forms of each essential.” (p. 36 vvs)
Imbalances in calcium and other minerals coupled with deficiencies in vitamins cause major issues for the body. For instance, whole food Vitamin B is needed for nerve health and carbohydrate metabolism–when lack of this vitamin complex exists with imbalances in calcium then we can develop nervous problems, metabolic disorders, heart disease, insomnia, and emotional-mental disorders. Vitamin A deficiencies with calcium imbalances can lead to a long list of disorders from increased infections and eye problems to skin and bowel diseases. The list goes on and on. The good news is that all diseases are reversible if the organ still lives. With proper nutrition in the form of good diet and whole food supplements and herbs, health can be restored.

In regards to diet

it is important to eliminate processed sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup and white sugar, as well as most sugar substitutes. Calcium bicarbonate is our defender against parasites, especially viruses. Potassium bicarbonate and inositol are two factors that combat a calcium bicarbonate deficiency. Sugar in excess causes the between meal periodic release of free phosphate radicals which destroys vital blood bicarbonate of calcium. Dr. Royal Lee states that it is probable that virus could not harm us unless we first prepare a welcome by permitting the temporary loss of calcium bicarbonate. Calcium lactate (a very good calcium supplement) or gluconate can form the bicarbonate after ingestion. Again, our normal source of calcium bicarb is hard water–unless we try to drink distilled or highly purified water.

It is probably the hindrance of proper calcium metabolism, promoted by sugars, that sugar promotes that makes us susceptible to cancer. Many noted cancer specialist in the mid-century stated that sugar had to go for the individual to heal from cancer. Probably, one of the major effects of sugar is on calcium metabolism. As the body becomes imbalanced, toxic waste start to build up causing the pH to become acidic. This acid environment “pulls” calcium and other alkali minerals in an effort to “rebalance” pH. This further depletes calcium stores. As the pH stays either too acid or too basic the enzymes can’t function properly and all of the body systems are injured.

pH rebalancing is a process involving specific re-mineralization with alkali minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, essential fats, and specific tissue protomorphogens (see article on web site). Diet is also important to restore health. Again, chronic illness is not “the problem,” but a RESULT of deeper imbalances and a large part of this picture is mineral metabolism.

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